

UNITED CODEでは、多才で情熱的な音楽クリエーターを常時募集しています。


あなたはJ-POPやアイドルソングのヒットメーカーとして活躍したいと考えていますか? メロディー作りに自信があり、歌詞とメロディーを一体化させることに喜びを感じる方、是非私たちと共に夢を追求しましょう。


UNITED CODEでは、アレンジから楽器演奏に至るまで、オールジャンルに対応可能な制作スキルを持った作家を求めています。ヒットソングやミリオンセラー作品を手掛けた経験のある方、また独自の作曲手法や作品の世界観を大切にしている方がいれば、その才能を最大限に発揮していただける環境を提供します。









興味がある方は、メールに必要事項を記入し、ご応募ください。UNITED CODEで、あなたの才能を新しいステージへと導きます。私たちはあなたとの新しい出会いを楽しみにしています!

Call for Composers, Creators, and Artists

UNITED CODE is always on the lookout for talented and passionate music creators.


Are you aspiring to be a hitmaker in J-POP or idol songs? Do you take pride in your melody crafting skills and find joy in integrating lyrics with melodies? If so, join us in pursuing your dreams at UNITED CODE.


We seek composers, lyricists, and creators who are proficient across all genres, from arranging to playing instruments. If you have experience producing hit songs or million-selling works, or if you cherish a unique approach to composing and conceptualizing music, we offer an environment where you can fully utilize your talents.


We also welcome individuals skilled in creating melodies that enhance a singer's charm, capable of producing high-quality demos, and experienced in vocal direction. If you enjoy collaborating with other creators and track makers and wish to balance activities as a singer-songwriter, our company is the perfect fit for you.


Whether you are considering moving from another agency or aspiring to become a newcomer in the industry, we invite you to join our team. At UNITED CODE, you will find a competitive environment to refine your skills, strong relationships within the entertainment industry, and the expertise to guide you to success.


Application Requirements:

Age: Open to all
Physically and mentally healthy individuals
Not currently under exclusive contracts or management agreements with other agencies, productions, labels, or record companies


How to Apply:

If you're interested, please fill out the necessary information in an email and apply. At UNITED CODE, we are excited to guide your talent to a new stage. We look forward to the possibility of a new partnership with you!